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Moscow region, Gorki Leninskie urban settlement, Meshcherino village (
“Domodedovskaya” station, 15 min.)
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The residential quarter “Svetliy mir “BioPolis...” is an ideal combination of a favourable ecological environment, integrated development of the built-up area, multifunctional infrastructure, and the author's architectural component. A kindergarten, a school and a Neighbourhood centre will be built on the territory of the quarter.
The residential complex is located in the northern part of the village of Meshcherino, between Kashirskoye highway and the A-105 Moscow — Domodedovo highway. Future residents can use urban public transport (buses, minibuses, commuter trains) to the main points of the district and the capital
In addition to many green areas, the museum-reserve "Gorki Leninskie", Proninsky Forest Park, Timokhovsky Park, horse park "Rus" and the “Zolotoy phazan” beach are conveniently located from the future quarter “Svetliy mir “BioPolis...”.
The author's landscape design will be carried out on the territory of the quarter, and hundreds of shrubs, flowers, coniferous and deciduous trees will be planted in the yards. Playgrounds for children of different ages will be equipped. For adults – outdoor exercise equipment and basketball courts. Modern outdoor furniture made of thermal wood will be installed in the yards. The territory of the quarter will be equipped with canopies, gazebos, and pergolas.
The intra-house territory is closed to the free movement of vehicles. Priority is given to pedestrians and cyclists. Residents of the quarter and their guests can place their personal vehicles in open parking lots outside the yard.
Помимо множества зеленых зон в комфортной доступности от будущего квартала «Светлый мир «БиоПолис…» расположен музей-заповедник «Горки Ленинские», Пронинский лесопарк, Тимоховский парк, конный парк «Русь» и пляж «Золотой фазан».
На территории квартала будет выполнен авторский ландшафтный дизайн, а во дворах высажены сотни кустарников, цветов, хвойных и лиственных деревьев. Для детей оборудованы разновозрастные игровые площадки. Для взрослых – уличные тренажеры и баскетбольные площадки. Во дворах будет установлена современная уличная мебель из термодревесины. Территория квартала будет оборудована навесами, беседками и перголами.
Внутридомовая территория закрыта для свободного движения автотранспорта. Приоритет отдан пешеходам и велосипедистам. Личный транспорт жители квартала и их гости могут разместить на открытых автостоянках за пределами двора.
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