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Everything must be well-balanced

We bought a flat in the first stage of development and were one of the first neighbours to move in. This option was more affordable than a cottage and more convenient to maintain. The houses are built close to the shore, all in the same style, modern and of high quality. And very beautiful!

Apart from our picturesque beach, I have two more favourite places where I love to spend time in the summer. These are a panoramic restaurant with a terrace “Khoroshiye lyudi vnutri” and the roof of our house. It is well-equipped for recreation, and you can sit there and read or do yoga. And in the evenings, my husband and I grab a blanket and go out to watch the sunset.

Here, I began to communicate more, while hanging less on the Internet. There are a lot of interesting things in real life! In our Neighbourhood centre, there are dance classes, painting lessons, trainings, and a lot of activities for children. If you wish, every day can be scheduled down to the minute. However, do take some time to be lazy, relax on the beach, and walk around the neighbourhood, too, because everything must be well-balanced!