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It's easy to find friends here

Moving out of town was a spontaneous but great decision! We arrived at the bay, saw beautiful houses, and immediately started looking for information on the Net about this complex. Quickly, we agreed with the manager about viewing the flats. A week later, the deal was made.

My whole life is connected with sports, that’s why my sleeping schedule involves early rises. It is much easier in nature than in the city. Hence, why the option of a flat in the country, in such a picturesque place, surrounded by tall pine trees and on the shore of the bay, was ideal for me. One does not need a big house, and with a girlfriend it is comfortable in two spacious rooms.

Neighbours became another argument in favour of our neighbourhood. I am a sociable person, and I’m very pleased that it is easy to find company here on the sports field, on the beach, and in the restaurant. Here, people are open-hearted and friendly. We are all united by a common territory, and we set the atmosphere of this place ourselves.