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Family mortgage in the “Svetliy mir”

november 2023
The government has extended the family mortgage until the summer of 2024. This means that there is still enough time to find a dream flat and buy it on the best terms possible.

The “Svetliy mir” offers excellent terms: a variety of layouts, a closed courtyard free of cars, sports grounds, educational clubs and a children's room with a tutor in the Neighbourhood centre.

You can buy a flat with the help of a family mortgage, including a subsidized mortgage, with a down payment of 20%. Our managers will select an offer, considering your capabilities, and will help you with the paperwork. And until November 30, special prices are valid for a number of flats.

Feel free to ask any questions! You can also come for a face-to-face consultation or call us by number +7 (800) 777-20-20.