What does the territory of the "Svetliy mir" look like? It is quite large and interesting to explore. Would you like to see everything?
Please, come and take a walk with us. And to make you feel comfortable, we have prepared an example of a small autumn tour of the complex. You can repeat this route yourself when you come here to choose a property.
You can start a walk at the "Svetloe café", and buy a cup of delicious coffee there.
As of where to go, you can decide at the map of the complex. The entire territory is displayed on it.
What exactly awaits you along the way? Unusual objects, such as futuristic gazebos, wooden terraces, lots of trees, shrubs, and flower beds.
You can arrange a photo shoot on the benches, of which there are so many on the way — choose any of them!
You can fill your thermoses with warm tea in the Neighbourhood centre, the restaurant "Khoroshiye lyudi", if you return to the "Svetloe café".
It's nice to walk together in the most secluded corners, away from playgrounds and sports grounds.
And you can go to the centre of the complex to take advantage of everything that is in the courtyards. There will be entertainment for adults, too.
And, of course, meet new friends! Take your turn to ask them, how did their walk through the "Svetliy mir" go?