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An oasis of warmth and comfort

For us, winter is a special time of the year, filled with magic and comfort. We met each other in the winter. Turned out that we lived in the same complex! A year later, in December, Alexey proposed to me. I moved into his flat, and we started to rent out my one-room flat.

On weekends, we try to walk as much as possible. When get to the bay, there is a lot of space to play snowballs or go sledding. We prefer to spend our evenings in the restaurant “Khoroshiye lyudi vnutri”, where a cosy atmosphere prevails. We try to go to all the performances of musical groups, even have some favourite performers by now.

Our flat is a real oasis of warmth and comfort, where it is so pleasant to return every day. I noticed that even just thinking about home and imagining our beautiful neighbourhood with evening lighting, I start to smile, my mood improves, and even fatigue disappears.