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Creative English for Children

october 2023

“Svetliy mir “Vnutri…” quarter

Enrolment in English language groups for children aged 7 to 9 years with a level of training "A0" and "A0+" continues. Classes will be held in the Neighbourhood centre of the quarter “Svetliy mir “Vnutri...”.

The creative workshops of the Neighbourhood centre have everything to make the language classes exciting. Rositsa Genisheva, an experienced teacher, helps younger schoolchildren with this. She prepares original classes where children are fully immersed and involved in the learning process.

Each lesson lasts 2 hours. Half of the time, thematic and grammatical material is studied using Cambridge and PowerUp1 textbooks, and during the second part of the lesson the children are engaged in crafts, mastering new words imperceptibly for themselves.

At the end of studying the thematic block, a large creative project is obtained from crafts. For example, a paper house. Schoolchildren arrange a presentation of their creative projects in a close circle of other students and parents, getting a useful skill of speaking in public.

Creative English classes are held on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 4:30 p.m.