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Wellness gymnastics


“Svetliy mir “Ya-Romantik...”

Gymnastics classes help the residents of the quarter “Svetliy mir “Ya-Romantik”…” to be more energetic.

In the cold season, it's easy to stay active and attend workouts when they take place near your home. In the well-equipped gym of the Neighbourhood centre, you can practice wellness gymnastics 3 times a week.

Two groups — for adults and children aged 5–14 years — resumed classes on January 8, with their coach Boris Pavlov. Simple exercises help to relieve muscle tension, relax, and become more cheerful. With ease in the body comes a good mood.

Anyone who needs a delicate and individual approach can trust our coach. Boris backed up his first higher education in the field of Adaptive Physical Culture with a second medical degree at the Faculty of Medicine, and he also took a special course for the rehabilitation of children with orthopathology.

Groups have trainings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.