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Is your child ready for school?


“Svetliy mir “O’Yunost…”

If you ask yourself this question, we invite you to the Neighbourhood centre of the quarter “Svetliy mir “O'Yunost…” for neuropsychological diagnostics.

On March 2 and 3, Nadezhda Kondrashova, a primary school teacher with more than 10 years of experience, neuro-pedagogue, and founder of the school of modern development “Neurons” will conduct diagnostics.

For children 5–7 years old

Diagnosis will give a clear understanding of whether the child is ready for school, which is definitely worth considering. Parents will receive recommendations on creating an individual route to prepare the kid for school.

For children 7–10 years old

Diagnostics will help determine the true causes of academic failure and build an eco-friendly route to solve the problems.

Please remember to make an appointment with the administrators of the Neighbourhood centre.